Good News


First of all, because of my genealogy blog, I have been contacted by my first cousin. Her branch of my father’s family and mine had been out of touch, with a few contacts between, for over twenty years. She seems like a very nice person, and I’m really excited about being in contact with her. I think one of the most powerful things about the Internet is the way it can connect people across both space and time. There really aren’t words to express how cool I think this is.

Second, I found Anne. She is currently at Ample Sanity. Change your bookmarks —, Anne’s former domain, is defunct.

Happy New Year (Rosh Hashanah).


2 thoughts on “Good News

  1. Yay for reunions! Yay for the Internet! There's so much crap on the web, it's good to be reminded that it does have some positive qualities.

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