Oh my Lord, this was too hilarious! Thank you, Vickie, for sharing the link.
And check out Icy Azalea’s Harry Potter Livejournal Icons. They’re spiffy:
Since I haven’t plugged her in a while, check out my favorite Harry Potter fan artist, Laura Freeman. A sample:
Addendum (7:02 P.M.): As soon as I have time (read after we move), I am thinking I’ll put up my Harry Potter links page again. I really need something original for that page. My old one had my whole family sorted into various houses and predictions for Books 6 and 7. I just can’t think of anything to add. It seems like there is so much out there, and more well done than I could do. Any suggestions are welcome.
Ahhh, I am so glad you enjoyed that site, Dana. She comes up with the funniest things. It's good to giggle.
I love those icons and that fan art is wonderful!
Thank you!
Ohhhh. I loved the site. It gave me such a laugh. I really needed that after 200 pages of _Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish_ *boring*
Plus, Snape….*droooool*