What Do You Think They’ll Ask You About?


Some far day in the future, you might be interviewed by your grandchild for school.  It’s a popular assignment, and one I’ve done myself.  I interviewed my grandfather about the Ku Klux Klan (no, he wasn’t a member, but he had information about it that I wanted to include in a report I wrote).  My great-uncle Alvin interviewed his grandmother about what school was like when she was a girl.  Sometimes genealogists interview their grandparents about family history, as I have done with my maternal grandparents and my great-grandmother.  One day, a grandparent of yours will ask you questions.  What do you think you’ll ask you about?

Mine will probably want to know what I remember about 9/11.  On a personal level, they might want to know about my divorce and remarriage.  Maybe they’ll want to know what life was like before everyone had computers and Internet access.

It would be nice if they could ask me what the world was like before world peace was established and hunger and poverty were abolished, but I fear I won’t see that in my own lifetime.  One can’t watch Star Trek without hoping one day…

I think that just knowing that they care enough about what I think or what I’ve experienced to ask about it will make me happy.
