Literature Carnival!


Do you know what a blog carnival is? Basically, it is kind of blogging “community” focused on a particular interest. For example, I read and sometimes participate in an education blog carnival usually hosted by the Education Wonks. I really enjoy it, and it has helped me discover lots of education blogs.

I was thinking of hosting a carnival here. Casting about for ideas, I decided to host a carnival about literature/books. I think that makes sense, as this blog is mainly about what I’m reading. I have concocted this edition of the Literature Carnival myself. As the carnival grows, I will accept submissions from other bloggers. Submissions can be book reviews, writing about writing, writing about authors — as long as it’s all about books. This isn’t the same think as Bookslut’s blog, which links websites and news stories about books. This is a collection of links to blogs about books.

Carnival of Literature, First Edition

When I was recently reading Lolita, I commented to my husband that it was a really good book — the prose is beautiful in some places. Obviously Humbert Humbert is loathsome, and I don’t believe the reader is actually meant to sympathize with him. He is the classical example of the unreliable narrator. Still, my husband refuses to read it, remarking that it is nothing more than a book about a pederast. Which begs the question — should one read an “immoral” book? Bookish answers.

Speaking of Lolita, Stephen Metcalf ponders whether or not it’s still shocking (OK, maybe Slate isn’t exactly a blog).

Booklust has some gorgeous images from a book of postcards entitled For the Love of Libraries: Photographs and Anecdotes. I like the one of the lovers in the stacks. Booklust’s quote from Larry Rubin is apt: “They kiss in cubicles; for all we know they breed down there in the twelfth century.” Perhaps I reveal too much about myself…

Until now, the publishing industry has been centered around authors. Jane Friedman envisions a future when it is centered around publishing companies. “Ms. Friedman made the comment last summer that she envisions a time when authors are secondary to the brand name imprint, that future book buyers will want to buy a book because Harper Collins is the publisher.” Booksquare examines the issue.

Chekhov’s Mistress considers collecting first edition books and gives some advice on how to find and care for rare books.

Syntax of Things discusses underrated writers. Perhaps you’d like to send along a submission?

Michelle Richmond has some advice for creative writers at Sans Serif.

Ghost Word ponders giving books for gifts. What are you giving? Recommendations?

Bill Benzon, guest writer for The Valve considers whether it’s necessary to read deeper than the surface level of texts. Makes me think of the old saw that English class kills our appreciation for literature.

That’s it for the first Literature Carnival. Let’s make this a regular venture. If you are interested in sharing your posts about literature, e-mail me at dana @ with the subject line “Carnival” and a link to the post in the text of your e-mail. The deadline is Friday, December 30 at 10:00 P.M. Feel free to submit logos, too.


4 thoughts on “Literature Carnival!

  1. Dearest Dana how doooo you keep it all straight? Aaaah…too much wonderful information and sources and links and blogs, it would make me insane, I'm lucky if I can find my keys every morning…you have the best stuff Miss Dana, thanks for uncovering gold for us all.

  2. Thanks Jessica, but I'm hoping this will catch on and I won't have to find all the links each week. If people will submit links to me, this will be a piece of cake.

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