Soliciting Template Advice


I’m trying to decide whether or not to go with a bolder template I found. It reminded me instantly of Madama Butterfly, my favorite opera (but it isn’t as though I have been to lots).

I have created a test page for you to look at. It has my blog and sidebar as they would appear. I realize I need to make some tweaky changes (like fixing the search button). I also ditched the calendar function, so if you use that, it might be gone if I decide to go with the template.

View the test template, then come back and tell me what you think.


6 thoughts on “Soliciting Template Advice

  1. Well, it's more colorful than this, that's for sure. I did tweak the colors that came with the template. I generally trust your advice about my blog, Rajni. I think unless someone comes by and says it makes them want to poke daggers in their eyes instead of read my blog, I'll probably change it.

  2. I think it's a really beautiful template, and I love the black with the peachy/orange color. I like the simplicity of the current template, but sometimes change is good!

  3. I generally trust your advice about my blog, Rajni.

    Aww, I feel so honored! Your blog is part of my Internet soul, oh yes. I've been visiting it for years, one of the few I've kept up with.

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